Companions on the Journey

Registration is now open for the Franciscan Spirituality Center’s transformative, nine-month group spiritual direction experience, Companions on the Journey.

This nine-month series starts September 9, meeting from 6-8 p.m. on the second month of the month through May.

Participants can choose an in-person group that meets at the spirituality center, 920 Market St., and is facilitated by Sarah Hennessey, FSPA, and Vicky Lopez-Kaley or they can join the virtual group that meets through Zoom videoconferencing and is facilitated by Julie Connelly and Dawn Schweizer. All four facilitators are graduates of the FSC’s Spiritual Direction Preparation Program.

Companions on the Journey offers a time of deep, personal sharing within a community of trust and confidentiality. Each session will begin with a poem for reflection and questions to bring participants to a deeper level of application for their spiritual journey. There will be space for individual sharing, group reflection and contemplation.

A commitment to the entire series is part of building community. Cost is $275 for the series. Each group is limited to 7 participants.

Register for the in-person group

Register for the Zoom group

The Franciscan Spirituality Center is open to people of all faith backgrounds and traditions (or none).